He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he enables me to stand on the heights... 2 Sam 22:34 (NIV)

Monday, February 23, 2009

No more Blogger's Block!

I haven't blogged since December 10th for one simple reason. Amy and I took a part time job working for a Big 3 auto maker auditing area dealerships. With the economy being what it is, it soon became necessary for us to spend more and more time with certain dealerships. I warned Amy when we started that any job title that has the word "auditor" in it always finishes dead last in the "Congeniality Contest". Let's face it...no one likes the auditors at first. Eventually we were asked to carry out some very tough orders and our popularity plummeted into the negatives bigtime! One day when I asked a sales manager for keys to get into a building one day, he tossed me his car and home keys and said "here, just take everything I've got...you've taken everything else!" He wasn't smiling then but we have since become friends which is a really good thing because he is a pretty big dude.

Long story short, we are still auditing and as time has passed, people have seen "the real" Amy and Richard. Actually what they see is Christ shining through an ordinary couple. In the midst of carrying out some pretty unpleasant tasks, we have treated people with dignity and respect. We have shown that we cared and we were willing to take the time to listen.

I have had many opportunities to share my faith of lots of different ways. Most of the opportunities came with little or no warning. Good thing I memorized 1 Peter 3:15 ("But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. ALWAYS be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.")

The people God put us in contact with come from all walks of life. Some are believers and some are not. They all share one thing in common...a very uncertain future. The crazy economy, the uncertainty of the job market, the consequences of living over one's head have all been topics of discussion that have seamlessly ended up in opportunities to share our faith. Every day people let us into their lives just a little more. Walls are going down and real questions are being asked about real dilemnas these people face. I don't know the "when's or how's" of the outcome but I sure do look forward to what God does next.

Today was a classic example. As Amy and I have traded places in this shared ministry...I mean job...no, it's really a ministry...our giggling girls have graced the hallways of this establishment. It's pretty easy to tell they are adopted unless you are totally blind. I never cease to be amazed at how people keep asking how Faith, Grace, and Joi came to be part of our family. Seriously, I get called into people's offices all the time and my first thought is always, "Oh, no...who is ticked at whatever auditor decision I had to make today?" Then they smile and ask me to sit and tell me the whole story of how the girls came to live with us. Today was no exception. The owner dropped by and I got to tell him our story and how it reflects the ultimate Adoption story of God adopting us into His family through the precious sacrifice of His son Jesus. What a great opportunity! Funny thing is that he had intertwined two conversations and thought we were adopting another child over the week end! Amy and I have been pretty busy lately...maybe we should have a talk when I get home just to make sure we're all on the same page:)

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