He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he enables me to stand on the heights... 2 Sam 22:34 (NIV)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Spiritual Retreats

Every month or so I like to get out in the middle of nowhere and have a spiritual retreat. For me there is nothing more refreshing than getting in the mountains or at least somewhere in the wilderness where the only sounds are crickets and flowing streams. Solitude and lack of the daily distractions ushers me right into the presence of the Lord. I have found this practice to be essential when I am in the process of making major decisions.

I am grateful for a wife and daughters who encourage me to go on these retreats. They know I come back a better husband and dad as God speaks to me about family and ministry matters.

I find it refreshing to sit up late into the night under the stars by a crackling fire seeking God through prayer and His Word. I always come back changed. I may not have all the answers I want by the time I leave but it is enough to know that I have been pleasing to my Father by practicing Ps. 46:10.

I am currently planning my next retreat. I've done Monte Sano and Sypsey Wilderness and but I'm currently looking for something a little more remote. Here's a video from one of my favorite retreats at Sypsey.

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