He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he enables me to stand on the heights... 2 Sam 22:34 (NIV)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

A glimpse into the future

Somehow Joi sweet talked me into taking her on the "Speedway" track at Disney World. I remember doing this for the first time with my dad at Astroworld in Houston, TX. There's nothing like that feeling of actually driving a car for the first time. Granted we were only going about 5 miles an hour, it was still a thrill. As Joi drove I was REALLY grateful for that metal strip that kept her from getting off-track. That three inch strip was a the only thing between us and a scary off-road experience. Yet I know that someday the safety guards will be removed and she will be driving on her own in the real world...an even scarier thought!

In the meantime, our zig-zagging driving adventure reminded me that I have the awesome responsibility of keeping her on the straight and narrow spiritually so she takes the path God has marked out for her ( Pr. 22:6). What a ride it's been so far. To know that she loves Jesus and is growing in Him daily means the world to me. It is truly humbling to know that God has entrusted Amy and I with raising up three incredible daughters. I pray daily that they see Christ in us and that they see us continue to grow in Him as well.

Oh yeah, the ride also reminded me that my car insurance is going to go through the roof one day soon! Better start saving up...

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