He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he enables me to stand on the heights... 2 Sam 22:34 (NIV)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Another breakthrough

Conversation Club was a blast today. We had two new visitors from Taiwan and Macao (I had to look this one up!)

We started today with three games that all dealt with thinking on your feet and spontaneous conversation (Concentration, Story round about, and Memory game). It was a good educational tool and it was also hilarious which breaks down all kinds of cultural barriers.

Lunch consisted of sticky rice chicken, Asian veggie salad, sesame rolls, tofu something and some lotus leaves that I tried to eat but found out it was just a garnish. Sorry, but if it's on a plate, I will try to eat it! I'm pretty sure I could give Andrew Zimmern of "Bizarre Foods" a run for his money.

Our study of Joseph has been a huge hit. Our group totally relates to Joseph's move to another country, going through trials, learning a new language and culture, etc.
Our text today (Gen. 42) led to a great discussion of how Joseph's brothers felt guilty for their sin and that led to some classic questions like:
1. Does this story have a happy ending?
2. How can there be a good God when there is so much tragedy in the world?
3. What do you do with feelings of guilt and regret?

It is totally amazing that God has allowed us to come to the point of praying and studying the Bible together each week. Not only does it help our group with word definitions, grammar rules, reading skills, story comprehension, but it also helps the group see their very real need for God's love and provision.

Several of us had the chance to share our stories of how we came into a relationship with Christ and how we no longer fall under condemnation and how our faith in Christ helps us lead lives that are full of peace vs. guilt.

I had to leave after 2 1/2 hours and the group was still talking and having a blast. This ministry is truly an amazing gift from God. Each week brings incredible experiences. Please pray for us that we would be sensitive to God's leadership and that we would truly see lives changed through this God-given ministry.

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