He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he enables me to stand on the heights... 2 Sam 22:34 (NIV)

Friday, October 10, 2008

Rick and Bubba Day

We all got up at 4am this morning and headed to Birmingham to sit in the golden ticket seats to watch the Rick and Bubba Show. It was totally worth getting the fam up so early! We made a quick McDonalds stop before entering the studio and enjoyed a couple of hours of the show. We met Rick, Bubba, Greg, Speedy, and several interns. Everyone was super nice and of course Rick and Bubba were hilarious! The funniest part was when they did our "shout out". Rick misread Joi's name as "Jay" so now we have a new nickname for her. We also got our official "Rick and Bubba for President" shirts.

Just in case you ever wonder what they do during commercial breaks, they go chow down on guest-brought food, come talk to the studio audience, Bubba throws a tennis ball against a window, and Rick plays a set of drums that are there for when they have musical guests in studio.

It was a great trip and one I highly recommend as a family friendly outing!
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Alison said...

I missed it! Glad you had a great time.

Bill and Melodie said...

How do you go about getting tickets for the show?